Saturday, January 25, 2014

100 Year Old Company Profiles

Rather than duplicate entries, if you want to see the profiles of 100-year-old companies I'm posting this year, check out my tweets @vtenhaken on Twitter.  Today's was AmeriPride Services, one of the largest uniform rental and linen supply companies in North America, headquartered in Minnetonka, MN, still private and family-owned after 125 years.  I am in the middle of a list of companies founded in 1889 to highlight their 125th anniversary.  On the list so far:  Pendleton Woolen Mills in Portland, Oregon; McCormick & Company (spices) in Maryland; Modell's sporting goods stores in NY; and Varnum, a law firm in Grand Rapids, MI.  Though there are many financial institutions celebrating 125 years in 2014, you might be surprised at some of the others, so stay tuned!

150-year-old firms I profiled earlier include Renault Winery in Egg Harbor, New Jersey; First Horizon bank in Memphis; and Glatfelter - a global leader in specialty papers and fibers headquartered in York, PA.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vicki!

    My name is Rick Garcia and I'm with the Historical Society of Michigan. I'm fairly new to the organization (which has been around since 1828) and I am working with our Michigan Milestone Award. I happen to just google and fortunately stumbled upon your blog. You are the right person to contact. I am going to Eikenhout's (Grand Rapids) 120th Anniversary celebration tonight and I want to reference you and your work. I would like the opportunity to meet and perhaps collaborative our efforts.

    You can contact me at or contact my cell at (517) 316-5362.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

